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Melizsa Bong, 18.
Abdul Matiin Hamdan
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"Forget how it hurts & try again."
Very often I see people around me reading motivation books regarding love life. Which advised you how to not be desperate, clingy, overreacting, how to control emotions so on and so for. Questions are, can you really apply those advises in your life? Are they appropriate and suitable? 

Contrary on what most people think, I like it better to love freely. I don't think living according to what people/philosophers said or quotes could make you any happier. (Bible/holy books are excluded)

Authors may not be 100% right. 
He/she may states, "it is vital to know your limit when you're in a relationship". Sex for instance, it is advisable to not have premarital sex. Because it'll get you pregnant by accident (but you're only 16; how do you handle this?) At the end of the day, you'll have to make your choice. Whether to keep the baby or to go for abortion (termination of a pregnancy). 

Keep it, you'll have to let go of your studies. Terminate it, you're a murderer. (Unless if the baby is a threat to your life/health then it is excusable, I guess?)
This, I agree. 

However, not everyone think likewise. When you fell deeply in love with someone, you can't help but to give 100% in whatever you do. You will try your best to keep your partner happy. This includes, agreeing on having premarital sex to prove that you surrender wholly & you love your partner wholeheartedly. Because some people define sex as love. 

Sometimes, those advises on books can't be applied straight to your love life because they might not be suitable. 
It might said "Don't cry because it shows how weak you are
Really? Because what I know is that, faking what you're feeling will kill you emotionally. Why bother pretending that you're OK when you're not? Why say "I'm fine" when you feel like bursting into tears? Crying is OK. Expressing is OK. In fact, it is healthy to share your problems with people who you trust instead of keeping them inside you that eventually will destruct you emotionally.

Also "Don't expect too much because high expectations lead to disappointments

While I like it better like this, "Expect the unexpected, but know how to deal with disappointment"
Here's what I ponder: How can one not expect too much? How can they decide how much can they expect? How can you not expect acceptance/rejection when these are the only two possibilities that can happen? How can you expect not to win a competition when you practice so much? How can you not expect to pass when you're confident in answering questions? 

In conclusion, when you are in love, do only what is right. You can ask for opinions/advice but take only the positive ones. Most importantly, imagine the consequences of your today's actions before making choices in life. 

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