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Melizsa Bong, 18.
Abdul Matiin Hamdan
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"Forget how it hurts & try again."
"Quote of The day "
Just because you've never done it before, doesn't mean you have the right to judge those who did
For instance: 
Just because you've never smoked before, doesn't mean you have the right to judge those who are smoking. Or just because you're a virgin, doesn't mean you have the right to judge those who aren't.

Bcs you don't have the slightest idea why they did it, or why they chose to live their kind of life. Bcs you're not in their shoes, therefore you don't have the right to judge them. Because you don't know what its like to be them.....

But then, the society chose to be judgmental. Instead of being compassionate, loving & understanding, they chose to be cynical & judge those who they think do not fit in the society. Esp those conservative people. No doubts that the society being judgmental is the major cause of suicide these days. Wise words from Miley Credit- (Got it from Kiqi's instagram)
 She makes sense, sometimes.

True, these people are always looking for others' mistakes instead of their own; sometimes they even make a huge fuss of it without knowing the consequences of their act. 

Conclusion: If we all start loving & stop hating, we will make a huge different. We will be the definition of the word love & life will be so much better. 

Ps: Excuse my grammar. 
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